Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Some Common Courtesy Would Be Nice

Mary & I waited two hours today to see my orthopedic surgeon. It isn't the wait that bothered me as much as it was the lack of common courtesy. If you were a doctor and knew your patient had been forced to sit in a small blank examining room for nearly 2 hours, what would be the first thing out of your mouth when you walk into the room? Maybe I'm expecting too much but wouldn't it be proper to say "Hello Mr. & Mrs. West, sorry for the long wait." Instead it was "show me how far the knee bends." I have a huge amount of respect for doctors especially surgeons but I don't care who you are or what you do, I believe in common courtesy. The quick story is within the next couple of weeks, I'll be going back in for a procedure called a "knee manipulation." Not looking forward to it but if it's a step toward getting this leg fixed than I'm for it. Rehab has certainly not gone as hoped. Maybe that's why something as simple as common courtesy seems a little more important to me. (By the way...that's a photo of my doctor)


Anonymous said...

That guy looks more like Santa Clause than a doctor. It's time to hang it up old man.

By the way, I'm praying for your recovery. I've had to go through many trying surgery recoveries with my dad, and know that it can be very frustrating.

EJ Chang said...

i'll try to be nicer to my patients (in the way, long future). but i totally agree with you, that's just rude!

Lyndsey said...

Aww... I have some good friends don't I pops? :)

Next time I come to Kentucky we'll be shooting hoops like old times.

Anonymous said...

Give us his name, address, phone number and email.

He'll get what he has coming!!

Mike West said...

Yes Punkin....you have always chosen your friends carefully.
Thanks April - I hope your Dad is doing OK.
Good luck Elizabeth. I think you'll make a great doctor.
Mike - let's wait until I get an official release from him before we get aggressive.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

What a DORK! Not your doctor - ME! I've been so wrapped up in my stuff, March madness, and getting ready to head your way for Easter, I completely neglected to ask you about your latest appointment. Geez. . . . However, I will say you and your knee are in my prayers everyday. Now about your doctor - what a DORK! Can't wait to see the scar!

twest said...

I've got a mob gathering here in Fl headin your way - we're carrying lanterns and pitchforks...