Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Happy Easter?

The newly released book you see mentioned in this is a very interesting book. I have been talking with the publisher about using our network to promote it. You can see other interesting clips on You Tube by using the title of the book in a You Tube search.


J Dub said...

The Easter bunny is a secular symbol of the people are offended by the thing that was created to not offend them?

Why are we so dang sensitive in this country? GET OVER IT!

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Being from Minneapolis, the sister city across the Mississippi, from St. Paul, I have to say that "New Leningrad" would be a much better name for our city. But if the political correctees win this one, I whole heartedly endorse the name "Pig's Eye" for St. Paul. Besides, it's a pretty good beer.