Monday, February 25, 2008

Am I Out Of Touch?

I do not care at all about who won what award at the Oscars. Seriously...I don't care at all, not even a smidgin.


twest said...

Was it last night? Have you ever seen any of the movies that have won lately? Will Mary and Care be running out to get the designer gowns that are being paraded.......I suppose someone has to care to watch it because I saw it all over the news this a.m.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

In answer to your question in the title of your blog - yes, you are! Obviously, you don't see the importance of pretending, dressing up in costumes, antisocial behavior, and being paid obscene amounts of money to do so. Things such as Faith, Family, and Patriotism are for the non-elite among us and is definitely not newsworthy. I'm sorry to be the one to let you know how "out of touch" you are.

aprilbrunjes said...

I didn't even know it was on.