Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Predictions For 2008

Here are my predictions for 2008. Feel free to add your own. The amazing Karnak has been known to miss a few.
Rest of 2007 - Our economy will continue to be labeled as "extremely disappointing" although retail sales will be almost 4% higher than last year. Could it be that people are waking up to the consequences of debt and spending less? Presidential politics will continue to dominate the headlines although frankly, most Americans could care less. We will see stories everywhere of the importance of healthy eating and losing weight. KY defeats FL State in the Music City Bowl and receives zero credit for the accomplishment
Early 2008 - My total knee replacement will be a complete success and I will be able to ride a bicycle and take fairly long walks with Mary for the first time in years. Andrew & Lyndsey will take over their own Chick-Fil-A franchise in Stuart, FL and Rick will emerge from his divorce stronger than ever. Our dog Gracie will continue to show signs of improvement in her relations with Chubs and Allie. Kay & Jeff become grandparents! The KY basketball team will lose 4 games in January and 4 games in February and will be on track for the first losing basketball season in I can't remember when. Justin finishes up more special operations training in Oklahoma.
Spring 2008 - Weather will be in the headlines as tornadoes wreck havoc on trailer parks. Hillary Clinton will be touted by the mainstream media as our first female president and the media will be forced to report success in the War on Terror although they don't want to admit there is a War on Terror. I will begin playing golf as my new knee allows me to chase stray golf balls hit into wrong fairways. Flooding will be blamed on global warming. Justin & Kacey will marry and begin a wonderful life together. Katrina victims will still be trying to get help. Rick will be amazed at his new life and what God has helped him through.
Summer 2008 - As another drought sets into various parts of the country, global warming will be touted as the cause and the momentum of "going green" will be at an all time high. Hillary Clinton will still be touted as our next president as the War on Terror continues to show progress. Hurricane Katrina victims will still be trying to get help. Troops will begin pulling out of Iraq - not because of any success - but because of the pressure from the Democratic congress. A trip to Arkansas to see Kay & Jeff and some fantastic fly fishing will take place.
Fall 2008 - Global warming will be blamed for the lack of fall colors in leaves. Hillary Clinton will become our 44th President. KY Football kicks off with high expectations, despite the meaningless win over FL State in the bowl game. Lyndsey & Andrew travel to KY to see the fantastic fall colors despite the stories of a lack of fall colors. Hurricane season produces 8 fewer hurricanes than predicted - due to global warming.
Winter 2008 - We will see snowstorms that will be blamed on global warming. Gas prices will be at an all-time high as we begin to hear talk of a recession and how Hillary and the new administration will be able to save us all. Katrina victims will be anxiously awaiting the Hillary administration's ability to solve all their problems. Universal healthcare will be on the front burner as we anxiously await Hillary's ability to solve all our healthcare woes. We will hear stories of how Christ has been taken out of Christmas but no one will care. We get news that many family members will be able to get together for Christmas. Predictions of a woeful economic Christmas will be in the headlines but it could be our last poorly performing Christmas because the new Hillary administration will be able to navigate us through all economic problems. Real estate rebounds in anticipation of the new Hillary administration. KY will be going bowling for the third year in a row. KY Basketball is kicking a__. Gracie, Chubs and Allie will lay together on the den floor. My new knee allows me to do the most Christmas shopping ever. God is still running the show so I can relax.


J Dub said...

I think that about nails it...except for the Hillary junk (I hope). Good Lord, I can't imagine a worse boss to have.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

You left one out. Effie buys a condo. Rents room out to Rick.

Chris Goeppner said...

i hope your a false prophet with the hilary thing. fun read.

twest said...

I'll ditto JDub - nailed it. Also summer of 08, Charlie and Julie get married with lots of Wests in attendance