Friday, December 14, 2007

Is Christmas Important?

FYI - Nine Democrats vote 'no' on Christmas resolution.
(Associated Press report December 13, 2007)
The U.S. House has passed a resolution "Recognizing the importance of Christmas and the Christian faith"-- but it wasn't unanimous. The measure was approved by a vote of 372-to-9, with all of the "no" votes cast by Democrats. A similar resolution recognizing the importance of Ramadan and the Islamic faith was passed unanimously in October.
The nine votes against the Christmas resolution were cast by Gary Ackerman and Yvette Clarke of New York; Diana Degette of Colorado; Alcee Hastings of Florida; Jim McDermott of Washington; Bobby Scott of Virginia; and Barbara Lee, Pete Stark and Lynn Woolsey of California.


J Dub said...

Hmmm...nobody from "hick" states voting no.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

This is the kind of stuff that drives me NUTS! I'm surprised there was ONLY nine "no" votes. It's obvious the left would vote unanimously for the Islamic resolution and the right would go along with it to be politically correct. But when it comes to the Christian faith, there is no such thing as political correctness. Grrrrr . . .

J Dub said...

It is 35 degrees warmer here than it is there.

Kacey went to the beach this morning.