Sunday, January 13, 2008

What the heck....I think I'll just get a new one.

It still blows my mind that they can replace an old knee joint. I am scheduled for a total knee replacement this Wed at 10:30 am. Your prayers are appreciated. For those who know me, the good news is that you won't have to hear me complain about the pain and frustration of not being able to take a simple walk down the street. I view this procedure as a miracle. I believe God chooses to involve His children to accomplish miracles in this day and age and sadly, we choose to take them for granted and we miss them.


Anonymous said...

We'll be praying for you! Good luck with the surgery!

J Dub said...

You will definitely be in my prayers. Everything will be fine...we're all looking forward to you being a little more mobile.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

I am SO looking forward to having you kick my butt on the basketball court again. (Of course, you could do that BEFORE the surgery, couldn't you?) Anyway, it'll be fun to be out there shooting some hoops again. You are in my prayers.

twest said...

Like I said - make sure they get that thing facing the right way or you'll be walking in circles!

We'll be praying for ya

Chris Goeppner said...

i expect you to be able to get out and hoop it up when you fully recover. ill be praying for you!

Alice the Brit said...

Sending big healing vibes and prayers your way - My MIL (70's) and my friend (in her 50's) have had this done (and the friend had BOTH knees done at once!!) - best advice from them is .... push through the pain at first and get it moving as soon as poss :)

Alice the Brit,
in sunny but somewhat chilly right now Florida