Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hey! Something Fun To Do With Your Friends! Talk About Rush!

DISCLAIMER: (Not sure why but you always need a disclaimer if you listen to Rush) DISCLAIMER: (Please read at car dealership speed) "I like to hear both sides of a debate. Unfortunately, Rush is about the only place you can hear a conservative point of view that is delivered in an articulate way." (End of disclaimer)
With the "threat of global warming" the threat of "losing the war" the threat of an "evil Attorney General", the threat of "greedy evil oil companies", the threat of "evil border patrol employees" the threat of "Bush causing anything bad that happens in the world" and on and on and on.....I ask you...can you at least tune him in for a while? If possible, forget his past drug problem and the demonization of his point of view and tune him in when you can. If you're a need it for balance. Is he over the top at times? Yes...he understands how to hold an audience....something he gets paid for, but he also understands the issues and communicates most of them in a way that makes us think. Do I always agree? No - but at least he gives me a different perspective. If you "care about the issues" you owe it to yourself to seek out the information needed to make an intelligent decision. At least sound like you know what you're talking about and what you believe. Knee-jerk reactions just don't work when working through complicated issues. I'm really tired of the "quick news sound bites" designed to grap my attention. There are some important debates out there. Thanks Rush.


Lyndsey said...

Well he's definitely a better option than Randy Rhodes.. remember my anger toward her that one day?

Mike West said...

Yep - she's the conspiracy queen. She really believes that the 911 attack was orchestrated by Bush. I listened to her quite a bit when we lived in S.Florida and actually respected her for her show prep but she went off the deep end when Bush won his second term. She is out of control and one of the reasons that Air America can't make it.

Bryonm said...

Rush is great for balance. I like the buffet analogy; there's a smorgasboard of information and info-tainment available out there. But if you load up your plate with too much of one thing, your diet get's a little out of balance and your health suffers.

The Rush end of the buffet is where all the conservative chocolate mousse is. Too much Rush can knock your diet all out of whack. Too much Randy Rhodes... well, she'll just make you enemic.

Shows like Rush and Rhodes are all issue driven. They both feel that we need them to explain to us what the issues are and what we need to think about them; like I need them to form my view of the world... I can think of other ways to do that apart from AM radio.

Anonymous said...

I have been listening to Rush since at least 1989, maybe sooner. He has never lied to me. Some of his predictions haven't come true, but most have. I think this last election hit him right in the solar plexes though. I don't think he believed the American people were dumb enough to allow Nancy Pelosi to be elected House Speaker. And when she was, it took some of the air out of his sails.

Bryonm said...

Brother Rick:

Wow. "He never lied to me." That's quite a claim. For eighteen years the man has entertained, influenced, and persuaded you with one thing, fact filtered through his opinion. He's come to work for the past eighteen years and exaggerated and embellished to get us to see things his way, but never lied. That's hard to swallow. I wish I could say I came to work and never lied for the past eighteen years...

Just becuase someone says of himself that he's "pure as the wind driven snow," it doesn't make it true.