Here's how it works. Post something you're thankful for throughout the day on Thanksgiving via the comment section and I will add your note in the jar. As new notes are added, more notes will show up in the jar. See how it works? The tradition started when the kids were small. We would put a jar on the counter on Thanksgiving morning and as thoughts of things we were thankful for would pop in our heads, we would put a note in the jar. Then we would pull all the notes out at the end of the day and read them. We have much for which to be thankful! We had 94 notes in the jar last year. LAST YEAR'S NOTES
My family! Which is rapidly growing!
God's grace. & Jesus too.
Justin. & that he's coming home today!!!
BDub! who is rapidly growing in my belly. not to mention, the miracle of the whole pregnancy & childbirth process.
the rest of my family!
zoie. who keeps me company while justin's away. & provides endless entertainment, all the time.
I get to spend Thanksgiving with my wife.
That we don't have to read crap like this:
Thanks Coach Cal.
God's provision this entire year.
The miracle of life
Thanksgiving day - it helps us to focus more on God's blessings. It's such a neat holiday!
My lovely wife and coffee in the morning.
Our home and where we live
Gracie and Allie
God continues to touch my heart.
My WONDERFUL family! - my husband who continues to amaze me - you are awesome! My son & daughter who follow the Lord and their great, great spouses. I can't wait for two beautiful grandchildren! Truly - how much more blessed can I be?
Our freedom! In America and in God!
That I have my own laptop to use whenever I desire. :)
That Mike & I both have a job. God has taken care of us despite my lack of faith at times.
Web cam. Love watching UK games with Justin & Kacey with the web cam on. The next best thing to having them in the room.
So thankful for Kate Joy! "The Lord has done great things for us and our hearts are filled with joy."
That mom and dad live SOOOO close!!!!
Living in Charleston
My future son/daughter (and that we'll hopefully find out Monday which it'll be).
Um...the "my" should have been "our" on the last comment. Oops. I definitely will not be in labor.
Thankful to live in get a whole different perspective on it after flying around the world and visiting all kinds of places.
ceiling fans
HI, West family, I'm THANKFUL for ALL of you guys,for loving my daughter. Being awsome inlaws. And new babies!!!
I.m Thankful for having two great children and great friends!And a great son-in-law,that's the only person that can take care of my DQ
Hi Diane. Happy Thanksgiving. We're thankful for all of you and for raising such a wonderful daughter!
UK sports.
My incredible wife Lyndsey and the parents that raised her.
Chick-fil-A Operator opportunity
The Original Chicken Sandwich
Calvary Jupiter
that Kate Joy (Pure Joy) will be here soon. Psalm 126:3 - "The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy."
Grace...and the fact that we can't earn it.
That there is a chance that Obama won't be leading the country in another 2 years.
That God is Sovereign (so my previous comment doesn't matter a whole lot).
The best son-in-law a father could have for his daughter.
Mike just said that only because I said something nice about him.
Justin, Dylan, Patrick, Allie, Tammer - my leadership staff at Chick-fil-A.
iPhone and the rest of the Apple family.
I am more thankful for Zofran than Lyndsey
My husband who has been so gracious during this pregnancy. He is going to make the BEST daddy!
Jesus' grace.
My cousins have blogs I can post on - Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless!
My cousin Ted and his family!
Our troops.
The smell of turkey in the oven.
great friends! who we can celebrate Thanksgiving with when we're far away from family.
the USA.
JC Superstar!
Clay, who changed the spark plugs in his Honda.
My BF, Debbie.
My "new" job.
Effie, the SuperCat
Bret Favre
Hello, West family! What an awesome tradition! So,if you don't mind me putting in a comment in your jar!
I am so thankful for having Rick in my life, he is truly a blessing from God!
Sorry I forgot to sign my name, Debbie, Rick's GF.
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