Friday, February 06, 2009

Would You Please Just Shut Up!

How's this for leadership? “This is a big problem, and it’s going to get worse.” That's BO on the economy. Sure does a lot for consumer confidence doesn't it? There's only one reason he would keep saying this; politics. If he's right, he's right. If he's wrong, he'll still get credit for the rebound. He personally can't really lose by saying it but it sure doesn't help matters. I can just picture one of my football coaches at half time when we're down by three touchdowns. "Boys, this is a big problem, and it's going to get worse." That's not leadership. That's just stupid.


Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Straight from the Jimmy Carter School of Leadership. What Obama doesn't understand (because he's NEVER LEAD ANYTHING IN HIS LIFE!) is that most times what the leader predicts is what occurs. The team you talked about will live up or down to the coach's expectations. We have gotten what we asked for. A change. NO leadership.

Lyndsey said...

Yeah I couldn't believe that either. What president would say something like that? Craziness...