Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Quick Assimilation

It took less than 30 minutes after my brother Rick arrived in Lexington for him to be fully assimilated into the Big Blue Bluegrass culture. He discovered the new KY sweatshirt we had for him in the guest room and was drawn to it immediately. Now..we're ready to watch the Cats destroy Liberty tonight after their embarrassing loss Webb two weeks ago. The Liberty coach said the game tonight is like "the kid next to you throwing a ball at another kid on the playground and missing him and hitting the bully. The bully turns around and sees you because the other kid took off and he swears you threw the ball even though you didn't. It could get ugly." Let's hope so. It's great having Rick here for Thanksgiving. He's going through a divorce he never asked for and is handling it in an admirable way. We're thankful for him and the lessons he's teaching us as he goes through a very difficult season in his life.


Anonymous said...

He looked just like you when I first glanced at the picture!

J Dub said...

You look good in blue, Uncle Rick.

Mike West said...

other than the fact he has hair (which is red) and I don't (which would be black)and I have a goatee and he is doesn't, I guess we do look alike.

J Dub said...

Rick should get you a Minnesota shirt , now that Tubby's there.

Mike West said...

He said it would be fun to go to a Minnesota game with the KY sweatshirt on and sit across from Tubby.

twest said...

I'll be darn - you guys could be brothers! I definitely think a KY shirt at Minn game would be great! Maybe have Mike there in a shirt too and Tubby would think he had double vision...