Monday, October 15, 2007

Will Someone Tell Me What This Has To Do With "Peace?"

Nobel Prize Committee Should Be Gored
By Robert Faletra,
After I finished chuckling last Friday when I heard about the absurdity of Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize for making a propaganda movie about global warming, I got to thinking.
Heck, if this guy can win a million-dollar prize for flying around in private jets, taking limousines everywhere he goes, burning mucho gallons of oil heating his oversize mansion and then tell everyone else they are screwing up the planet, why can't I get in on this deal?
Liberal or conservative leanings aside, you have to admit Gore doesn't need a 10,000-square-foot house in the Belle Mead area of Nashville, Tenn., that used 221,000 kilowatt-hours of electricity in 2006, more than 20 times the national average of 10,656 kwh. Don't get me wrong. If he likes to be separated from the rest of the small family he has with that kind of space, have at it. But it's just a bit hypocritical that he then urges average Joes to conserve energy in their modest houses. Remember, Gore spent a combined $30,000 in electricity and gas bills for his mansion in 2006. And this doesn't account for the fuel for the private jets and the limousines.

1 comment:

Chris Goeppner said...

the nobel peace prize is such a peice of fecal matter. it has absolutley no credibility at all. "yeah, i just won the same award yaser arafat won!"