At least from the age of twelve, God's purpose for His life had molded all His thinking. (Luke 2:46-49) While He was busy with His hands at the carpenter's bench or walking over the hills of Nazareth in His leisure moments, His mind may have been grappling with the full proportions of the task ahead. From childhhood He had chosen to saturate Himself in the Scriptures; His mind was so saturated with the Old Testament that most of what He said is directly based on it. The Holy Spirit has indwelt and possessed Jesus from conception. (Isaiah 11:2) As his human mind, emotions, and will developed normally from boyhood to full maturity, there was never a single moment when His entire being was not utterly committed to one aim - to be about His Father's business. While Jesus studied the scriptures to know God's purpose for Him and God's methods, He also studied the world around Him. He lived so close to the ordinary people of Nazareth that He felt people's sorrows and grieved over their sin. He knew that God had sent Him to bear the iniquity of us all on the Cross. How He must have wished for the day when He would be binding up the brokenhearted, preaching deliverance to the captives, healing the sick, raising the dead, bringing joy to replace depression and praise to replace complaints as Isaiah had prophesied. (Compare Isaiah 61:1-3 with Luke 4:18) However, always He submitted to His Father's purpose and methods of achieving that purpose as well as His Father's timing at each stage. Therefore, he patiently waited for thirty years until God's time came.
From the notes from BSF Lesson 6 - The Study of Matthew
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