Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Another Fine Commercial

I like good commercials. 99% of the people if asked, will tell you they hate commercials. But, if you ask them if they like "good" commercials, I think it's a different story. Defining a good commercial is subjective though. For me....a good commercial makes me pay attention. It evokes some sort of emotion like laughter, surprise, sympathy, or empathy and it needs to be relevant. Remembering the product doesn't hurt either. Unfortunately, most commercials are like audio or video wallpaper and they don't even show up on our radar. The exception is if we're ready to buy something. For example, Mary and I have decided to buy some furniture. We have now moved into a hot zone as a furniture consumer. We see and hear every furniture commercial. I saw an ad for a local furniture store and told Mary about it and we decided to go check out the "deal." Unfortunately when we got to the store and investigated the offer, it wasn't the way it appeared in the ad. We felt betrayed by the store. They got us in the store but left us with a negative impresssion. But, that's why advertising works. It doesn't always create a need but it can give you a possible solution to a perceived need or desire. People hate commericals because we often are misled. I think this RBS commercial is good because it pulls together different emotions. I was concerned for the man's safety but then I thought it was funny how the guy next to him talked calmly about a possible tragic situation. Then I was surprised by the guy from the next table becoming involved in the incident and the message at the end was relevant. "Less Talk - Make It Happen." That's relevant for me. Good commercial, but I don't have a need for a bank right now so I probably won't remember the bank's name 2 days from now, unless I see the commercial again or my bank ticks me off. One thing is certain. If you are involved in a business that doesn't advertise, it will make competing extremely difficult.

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