Saturday, July 07, 2007

Live Earth Was Hilarious - DO SOME RESEARCH

One of the most ridiculous things I saw were these kids singing with Pink Floyd....."We Don't Need No Education!"


J Dub said...

I ended up watching a lot of that throughout the day, for the music. They had a ton of good bands.

The fact that Algore is a hero to these people cracks me up. However, regardless of whether or not global warming is a reality, most of the points they were making (when they weren't drooling over Gore) were valid ones. We should be much better stewards of the Earth God gaves us than we are. If they could take the politics out of it and focus on that, they'd be on the right track.

But Algore is a cheeseball.

Mike West said...

It's a given, especially as Christians, we should be good stewards, but the pendulum has swung too far. That's why we can't even drill for oil in our own country. There are several scientists saying the research just doesn't support the cause. I encourage you to click on the link for DO SOME RESEARCH. It's as if almost no one takes the time to find out the truth. The energy used up with all the jets, trucks, power, etc to produce this farce would have powered a small town for a month. I would like to see a concert called "Live Drilling" that would spur the discovery of oil and the building of new refineries. Now that's something I could get behind. I especially don't get the hollywood attraction toward Al Gore. But I hope his son gets his life on track. It seems he could be headed for some major trouble and I don't wish that on anyone.
(I like commenting on my own blog)

Shawn said...

Mike that is funny, extemely sad and ironic, but none the less funny! I wonder if they were thinking, or as it is, Pink Floyd being Brittish probably doesn't find the same irony as we do in this picture.