can take on different meanings. Give me some ice water when I'm thirsty and I appreciate it. We can have an appreciation for hard fought football games, a musician jamming at the top of their profession, a beautiful painting, nice people, a good joke, our homes, food, etc. You know what I mean. How about when things don't go as we anticipated? When we have pain - emotional or physical pain - or both. Today, I have a deeper sense of the word "appreciation." Today I can take walks with my wife and walk the dog, and I can walk up and down steps normally. Today, I no longer need a cane and I no longer need to take pain medication. I can walk a mile for the first time in 5 years. I would have appreciated being able to do that back in March or April after the first knee replacement. But now, I REALLY appreciate it. Today I visited Dr. Nichols and I reminded him that I told him back in January before the first surgery, that he would be my miracle worker. His surgical skills would allow me to walk without pain again. We both have had our doubts the past few months but today we both were all smiles in his office. I now have 111 degrees flexion (bend) in my knee and very little pain. The next 3-4 months will only bring more improvement. Would I have rather not gone through the second knee replacement? Yes. But ya know what? It's OK. Because it has brought me an even deeper sense of appreciation of being able to walk. Honestly, I don't always like the way God works. I guess it's because I often don't understand or even appreciate His ways. I'm not saying He necessarily orchestrated the difficulties. But I am saying He is faithful when we are faithful and sometimes even when we're not so faithful. Today, I have just a little bit better understanding of the word "appreciation" and the word faith.
Well, gotta run :) it's time for Mary and I to take Gracie for a walk!
Oh could I forget? I appreciate your prayers more than you know. It's a huge part of the equation. Thank you! I "appreciate" it!
VERY cool post. We've all been pulling for you (and praying for you). It's so great to hear that things are finally looking like they're only going to get better from here.
You've heeded your own advice through this whole ordeal. You've kept looking up. Have fun with Mom and Gracie. Basketball is next.
Best Post EVER!!! The tears were coming for me because of what you've gone through I now have more of an appreciation that you're walking and happy too. I knew that God was going to heal that knee and it's just another answer to prayer to add to the books. He is so faithful and thanks for allowing Him the opportunity to work his glory in you. I love you and can't wait to see you in 2 days!
Personally, I have to say you look quite fetching in that gown. Praise God. When I first saw the photo before reading the post, I thought, "Uh oh, what happened?" Wow, that is such great news! I better start working on my B-ball moves. . . (Not that I had any before)
What an AWESOME (I thought I'd continue the trend of the kids of having one of the first words in all caps) post! What an answer to prayer! I knew God was going to heal your knee sooner or later, in His timing. It's awesome to know that you can now enjoy those smaller things in life that are so important, like walks with Mary. I appreciate God's grace in healing you. See you in a couple of days. Maybe we'll walk around somewhere.
oh NOW i will feel left out if i am the only kid who doesn't comment.
just kidding.
really though...
it is so GREAT to hear how encouraged you and the doctors are! we will keep up the prayers. your faith (and mom's) through all of this have been such an amazing testament to Christ in each of you! thanks for being a great example.
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