Tuesday, April 01, 2008

On The Road Again....

We have kept this quiet for several weeks waiting for the deal to be signed off on. Yesterday the paperwork came through and so I decided to go ahead and spill the beans. Even though we have moved 4 times since 2001, we're moving again! We had someone come to our door about 2 months ago and make us an offer on our house. After getting over the shock, we decided It was a fair offer and so we took it. In the meantime, we have been doing research on places where we would like to live and we kept coming back to Costa Rica. We bought 5 acres for almost nothing (see photo) and will be building a small house on the property. I have found a job driving a tour bus throughout the country and Mary will be doing medical transcribing from home. They break ground on the house next week and we should be out of here and in there by the end of July. Thank God the buyer of our house is not in a big hurry. I'll be blogging with more details later.


Lyndsey said...

Yeah yeah... you ALMOST got me

Mike West said...

"Almost" counts on April Fools Day. If there is even one moment where you think or say to yourself something like "wow...they are moving again, etc." then it will register as a successful AFD prank.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

This is going to work out so great! I have decided to retire early and fly Caravans for Macaw Air from Liberia to San Jose to the east coast and back. Here's to Thanksgiving on the beach!

twest said...

I was LOL before I finished your entry! Hey, pass me another Oreo, they sure are tasty today

Anonymous said...

I guess I'm really gullible, because I totally bought this until I read the comments. Mr. West, you trickster..

EJ Chang said...

dang it! i totally fell for it! booooooooo!!!!!!