Friday, August 13, 2010

The Decline of Barrack Obama

This article calls it "stunning." I am not stunned by it at all.

The RealClearPolitics average of polls now has President Obama at over 50 per cent disapproval, a remarkably high figure for a president just 18 months into his first term. Strikingly, the latest USA Today/Gallup survey has the President on just 41 per cent approval, with 53 per cent disapproving.There are an array of reasons behind the stunning decline and political fall of President Obama, chief among them fears over the current state of the US economy, with widespread concern over high levels of unemployment, the unstable housing market, and above all the towering budget deficit. Americans are increasingly rejecting President Obama’s big government solutions to America’s economic woes, which many fear will lead to the United States sharing the same fate as Greece. STORY


J Dub said...

A lot of us saw this coming.

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

This is what I've been saying all along. Funny, it takes the British press to assume the job of the American press - to hold our "leaders" accountable for their actions. I have been a political junkie since the Nixon-Kennedy debates. As a political science major at the United States Air Force Academy where leadership is taught, I have continued to follow politics for 37 years. Never have I seen such total incompetence in terms of politics, leadership, and just fiscal common sense. To defend this administration in any manner whatsoever is insanity.

twest said...

I agree. And what I've been saying all along is this guy's an empty suit - there are some serious strings being pulled behind the scenes in this administration, and they are not friends of the United States. Although Rick and I went to school at the same time I'm sure there wasn't a chapter of the SDS at the USAF Academy. Or the Black Panthers. They were certainly at my school, and they were beyond left - they were revolutionaries - the ultimate in the anti-establishment. Don't confuse them with the harmless hippies who all grew up - these people created riots, demonstrations, blew up buildings, shot police, vehemently hated and harassed the military.

So imagine my surprise when I hadn't heard of these groups for almost forty years they turn up in this administration. All I can sy is "Houston, we've got a problem"

Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Is Obama giving the photographer the "bird", or is that just my imagination?