Monday, September 04, 2006

Life Is A Book

I encourage you. Look for the beginnings and the endings; look for the lessons in each chapter. It’s a big book. The lessons are there. But, you have to slow down, you have to look for them and you have to pull them out. You have to look deep within to find them. Each chapter has a beginning and it has an end. What am I learning? In that last chapter…what was it? What was that all about? Who are the players? What do you want from me? The chapters never start and end when we think they will. We never know what lies ahead. But are we teachable? Are we patient enough to learn? We have to dig to see the lessons. We have to identify them and understand them in order to learn from them. For the most part, the chapter entitled “Raising Kids” is over for us. But, my have we been blessed! Not sure why; other than God’s grace. But we have been blessed. Our kids know, love and trust God. What more could a parent ask? But gone are the days of going to ballgames, school/church programs and playing basketball games in the back yard. Gone are the days of fishing in Clear Creek. Gone are the days of coming home from a day’s work and having the day’s “crap” erased by a hug and a smile from a kid. We’re in a new chapter now and it’s OK. That last chapter…. an incredible chapter! Thank you Lord. But a new chapter has arrived and it’s entitled; ”I Love My Wife More Than Ever” and it’s a great chapter too. Our focus may change from one chapter to another. God changes your focus, if you’ll let Him. Twenty-eight years and we reached the societal cliché called “empty nesters” and guess what…. it’s OK. I am thankful for my wife!
God is the author…. He is writing the book. As much as I want to look ahead, I am learning to trust God, the author of our lives.
How about you? What is the title of the chapter you're in?


Bryonm said...

great post, mike. wise words.

Anonymous said...

I had to wipe a tear or two away... I'm not gonna lie :) but I'm glad you are ok with your new chapter in life. i love your wife a lot too!

Anonymous said...

glad to be a part of the book...

Mike West said...

so what's the title of the chapter you're in?

Anonymous said...

My chapter: "Transition can be a wonderful thing"