This year's jar is dedicated to Justin and to Kacey. Justin is serving in the Middle East during Thanksgiving. We miss you and we thank you and all the families who sacrifice for our freedom and protection!
Here's how it works. Post something you're thankful for throughout the day on Thanksgiving via the comment section and I will add your note in the jar. As new notes are added, more notes will show up in the jar. See how it works? The tradition started when the kids were small. We would put a jar on the counter on Thanksgiving morning and as thoughts of things we were thankful for would pop in our heads, we would put a note in the jar. Then we would pull all the notes out at the end of the day and read them. We have much for which to be thankful!
Technically, it's not Thanksgiving yet, but it's close...
Thanks Pops for the dedication.
Here are my initial "notes" (I think they look like jelly beans) of thankfulness:
•Grace. And new mercies (every morning). I am learning so much about relying on God's strength these days!
•Justin. My very best friend. And his safety.
•technology. Especially the ability to video chat and text with Justin from so far away.
•family. And family of family, as Luke and I spend Thanksgiving with my brother's fiance's family.
•Luke. The amazing little boy who's sleeping peacefully right now in his pack n' play. I still have a hard time believing he's ours.
•basketball season.
I'll contribute more as I think of them tomorrow. Love to you all!!!
"Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into His courts with praise. Give thanks to Him and praise His name. For the Lord is good. His unfailing love continues forever, and his faithfulness continues to each generation." Psalm 100:4-5
So thankful for two beautiful, fun, great-tempered grandchildren! Also for their wonderful parents!
For BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) and the new study of Isaiah this year! For what God is teaching me and the provisions while I wait on Him!
For my family and friends. Thank you, God, for the ability to live in America. On that note, THANK YOU Justin for your service. You're in my thoughts in prayers.
Kacey and her sacrifice while Justin is deployed. Kacey, you are such a great wife and mother!
My lovey wife and the way she makes holidays special.
My kids and grandkids!
Gracie the dog and Allie the cat.
Home and health.
a job
Jesus and his awesomeness. Lyndsey and her awesomeness. Kate and her awesomeness. Freedom (Christian & American). Community of friends and family. God's faithfulness even when I am not.
I am VERY blessed. I am so thankful for Kate Joy - she really has been pure joy in our lives. I am very thankful to stay home with her.
I am beyond thankful to have mom and dad so close.
A wonderful daughter in-law (Kacey) and son in-law(Andrew) They are as close to being my own as possible...
I am grateful for my amazing husband. He is a man of faith and character and truly loves me as Christ loves the church. And he is an amazing father to our little girl. She is blessed to have him as her daddy.
I am very thankful for God's guidance and provision and the way He has been so intimate in our lives.
Great friends
God's grace..
I am so thankful for Kacey - what a blessing she has been to our family and I am so glad she is my nephew's mother.
Bass in the lake.
UK sports.
Greetings from Amsterdam! Today is the day the Lord hath made! Rejoice and be glad in it! I am thankful for: Jesus, my angel Debbie, Clay the rock, my health, the privilege of being allowed to fly a big bird to Europe and get paid for it, my country, and for those who volunteer to serve and protect us all - the US military! Thanks, Justin!
I echo this - "I am very thankful for God's guidance and provision and the way He has been so intimate in our lives."
And this - "I am beyond thankful to have mom and dad so close."
Family, Friends and Faith.
2 daughters preparing today's meal.
Our third daughter married to our favorite son with his new job and their new home. Yes, it appears we have lost him to Arizona for good.
- The gift of life and the miracle of grace
- Answered prayers of my own great incredible wife and amazing son
- Great parents who always kept me grounded, taught me how life really works, and always loved me
- A great sister who has a true heart for people and loves God
- An awesome brother in law who loves my sister the right way
- Living in the greatest country on Earth
- A chance to live my dream and fly planes for a living
- The support I get and the peace of mind that everything's in good hands while I'm away
- The Kentucky Wildcats
- Technology of Skype, email, iPhones, etc.
PS...The picture on the post won't load here. What is it?
My niece Kate.
The awesome feast prepared for us today.
- Awesome West genes that gave my sister a wonderful husband and a beautiful nephew, Luke!!
-incredible sister who has turned into an amazing MOther that i always knew she would
-A BIL willing to leave his young family and serve our country
- A mother and father that have Love me unconditionally and helped me become the person i am today
-a beautiful Wife-to-be that loves me and is as excited as i am to spend the rest of life together
-freakin amazing IN-LAWS that can cook and care for my family as if they were their own
-A constant and unwavering Grace that covers me daily!!!
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