Monday, July 28, 2008

What Is Going On?

Recently, two KY quarterbacks (one had a shot at starting) were arrested in separate incidents; and it's not just here. Follow this Google search link under COLLEGE FOOTBALL PLAYERS ARRESTED
These young men are given scholarships worth thousands of dollars and how do they respond? I know they're young and want to have fun, but the definition of fun has sure changed as far as I'm concerned.


Brodad Unkabuddy said...

Google "Gang members arrested" and you'll get a similar response. I've often said that professional football is legalized gang warfare. These college players are only imitating their idols.

twest said...

I think the days of "student" athletes are gone. The need to win and compete for the millions of TV dollars is too strong, so they will recruit and totally disregard backgrounds. Like Rick says, they want to be like the big boys