Thursday, October 04, 2007

Just In Case....

Just in case all you watch is NBC, CBS, ABC, PBS, MSNBC, CNN and any other main stream network I forgot; here is the scoop on Rush Limbaugh's "phony soldier" comment that liberal Democratic politicians have seen fit to cry about in Congress instead of doing their job.
SAN ANTONIO -- October 4, 2007: "I support each of our on-air talent's right to express his or herself freely, as long as they do it within the confines of the laws set forth by Congress," says Clear Channel CEO Mark Mays in his response to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's letter calling on Mays to condemn Rush Limbaugh -- syndicated by the Clear Channel-owned Premiere Radio Networks -- for using the words "phony soldier" in an on-air exchange about soldiers who speak to the media opposing the war in Iraq.
Mays begins his letter by agreeing with Reid's statement that "not a single one of our sons, daughters, neighbors, and friends serving overseas is a phony soldier" and continues, "As a grateful American citizen, I would reject anyone's contention to the contrary."
In a September 26 discussion about the wisdom of pulling out of Iraq, a caller to Limbaugh's show said, "They never talk to real soldiers. They like to pull these soldiers that come up out of the blue and talk to the media." Limbaugh responded, "The phony soldiers," to which the caller said, "The phony soldiers. If you talk to a real soldier, they are proud to serve."
Later in the call, Limbaugh referred to Jesse MacBeth, who, while claiming to have been an Army Ranger, gave media interviews in which he said he witnessed atrocities by American troops in Iraq. MacBeth has since admitted in federal court that he was discharged from the Army before completing basic training and never served in Iraq. Limbaugh has steadily maintained that he was referring only to MacBeth and other soldiers who may have falsified their war records, not to all soldiers who oppose the war.
So, you politicians with the 11% approval rating and Wesley Clark (The President wanna-be who is trying to get Rush removed from the Armed Forces Network) get back to work and quit your crying!


Bryonm said...

Rush is lucky to have you in his camp :)

Anonymous said...

I was listening to Rush when those comments were made. The discussion was about some of these left wing bloggers who have attempted to pass themselves off as being Iraq veterans and they had never served over there! Some have never served in the military! Rush posted that segment of his show on You Tube to those of you interested in the truth.